By Susan Mitchell & Sarah Snell Cooke
The Underground is colliding July 16 with WOCCU's World Credit Union Conference in Singapore!
Mitchell, Stankovic and Associates founded the Underground Community of credit union leaders taking aim at innovating how credit unions and their leaders think about their futures and act in the best interest of credit unions and their members. The Underground Collision is bringing that community to Singapore!
The Underground Collision session will encourage leaders to get real and engage in challenging discussion about politically incorrect issues that have been the topic of typical conference hallway discussions. We push these issues front and center, nudging credit union leaders to step outside of their comfort zone and challenge the status quo. Credit unions can be superheroes and game changers.
If you're unable to join us in Singapore, maybe you can join our newsletter list for blogs, future events and more! Learn more here.
The Underground Community is stirring things up and that’s okay! To be relevant, we must unite for common purpose and belief in solidifying our credit union community. Leadership topics to be explored:
Global Underground Collision speakers include:
Sue Mitchell, CEO, Mitchell, Stankovic & Associates
Paul Norgrove, CEO, Police Credit Union (UK)
Miriam De Dios Woodward, CEO, Coopera
Patsy Van Ouwerkerk, Consultant, retired CEO, RMJ Board Member
Elenita Sanroque, CEO, Confederation of Asia CUs
Brandi Stankovic, SVP, Credit Union Solutions Group, MCUL
We hope to see you at the Global Underground Collision, engaging and realigning the stuff that credit unions are made of! Learn more and sign on as a member of the Underground Community here.